Williams Electronics Games, manufacturers of Williams and Bally pinball
machines, presents the Uncle Willy archives.
"Ask Uncle Willy" is a feature posted to the Usenet news group rec.games.pinball, where a crack staff of researchers and scientists answer your questions about Williams/Bally pinball machines and related issues.
Questions sent to Uncle Willy should be of a general-interest nature. Uncle Willy is sorry that he does not have the time or resources to provide individual answers to all the questions posed to him.
How to send mail to Uncle Willy or Williams Electronics
Dot-Matrix Animations That Never Were
The Lost Temple of DOHO, is a place where unwanted dot matrix
display animations go to be seen in their somewhat full glory. These are
animations which, for one reason or another, never made it into games. Hopefully
by showing these relics of the past, a visitor to the temple will be not
only entertained, but will gain a small glimpse into the design process
of a pinball machine. Granted, you won't see any of our secret playfield
testing software, but maybe you'll come to learn why things were done the
way they were.
Unused artwork and animations
Before Scared Stiff was finally laid to rest, the development team took
a walk back through their piles of sketches, models, animation files, and
other scary material to give you a look at what doesn't always
make it into a pinball machine.
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