MAMEP3.KID (MAME, mP3 jukebox, Killer Instinct, Dreamcast cabinet) Here's the story of how my MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) cabinet finally came into existence. I've been playing and following MAME since about 1998. I loved being able to play all the games from my youth once again and vowed one day to build my own MAME cabinet as so many others had done. That dream finally came to fruition during the summer of 2002. It all started when a friend of mine called and said he saw a Killer Instinct game for sale locally. I had seen the Killer Instinct he had and told him how I loved the cabinet artwork on the game He knew I had been looking to build a MAME cabinet and thought this would be the perfect choice. I agreed and ended up buying the game he had seen for sale. The is how KI (Killer Instinct) became part of my cabinet's name. Once I got the game home there were a few issues. The monitor's green gun wasn't working which required some minor work on the chassis. It is still slightly dim so I may be doing a cap kit soon. There were also some cosmetic problems - some wood patching was necessary and the minor scratches in the artwork were touched up. Luckily most of the flaws were in the all black area so it's barely noticeable now. The cabinet saw the following done to it -